You know folks, I try to get out there as much as I can to learn all that there is about our up coming presidential candidates, but sometimes things slip through the cracks. I'm pretty tied up with a child, full time school, and work, so as some of you may know things that are not old news to others may come as kind of an embarrassing and overwhelming shock when it finally settles into the skull's grey matter. In short, you find yourself way behind the times. These news clips that I have recently seen are leaving me scratching my head and I say to myself, "Are the people in our country really this stupid?" (Oh yes, I said stupid. In the chance that you might be offended by this, get the hell over it.)
Okay, where is Avie going with this? It's actually very simple. Are there that many brainwashed idiots out there that are really considering voting this ridiculous excuse for a politician into office? If you have guessed that I am talking about Obama, then you get a cookie for keeping up with me.
Let's start with this cute little bit.
That's what this country needs. A leader that can't operate without a teleprompter. This makes me feel really secure. I mean, what happens if Obama gets into office and another 9/11 happens or worse (Mark you that this WILL happen if he gets in office. Those damn terrorists are foaming at the mouth to get him elected.). What is he going to say? "Oh wait, hold on. I'll get my writers on that right away." Already shows he can't think on his feet or, even worse, have his own ideas and think for himself. It's like he has some invisible hand up his backside making him sing, oh I'm sorry, that's just Michelle. Personally I would rather have a president that can't pronounce nuclear than a president who's entire vocabulary is a space filler. An annoying one at that.
Oh this example not good enough huh? Well, let's check this little beauty out.
Among Obama's many talents of finding a million ways to say the word "uh" or "um", lying seems to be one that he is very talented at... Or not, I mean, the man can't even keep his damn stories strait. Yes... no, I mean, uh yes. Which one is it flip flop? I can see the smoke coming out of your ears Obama. Give the damn hamster a rest.
And now for the "What the hell did he say?" Portion of the blog. This one gets The Fried Lemming Award for the evening. Drum roll please!
Fried Lemming Award:
What? Now, it's been awhile since I was in 3rd grade, but when the hell did we get 8 more states?! Damn I must have really been stuck under a rock.
WAKE IT UP FOLKS!! This is the man that you are actually considering putting in power of your lives and the lives of your children! Don't you see how scary this is?
1) The vocabulary of "uh" and "um"
2) The flip flop story of yes or no
3)A man that is running to lead our country and he doesn't even know its geography
Also, this man has handled his anatomy at the urinal more than the issues he has had in the senate. Come on people, the short time he has served in the senate is not enough experience to put on a presidential resume.
With all this in mind, this leads us to our final section.
The quote of the day:
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt"
-Abraham Lincoln
Avie Joe, The One Less Jumper
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