Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Yellow Brick Road of Socialism

So, we all know what happens to a frog in a boiling pot right? I mean other than it dies. If you put a frog in a boiling pot, what does it do? It jumps out because it's too damn hot and it knows it will die, but if you put a frog in a slightly warm pot and increase the heat gradually, what happens? The frog doesn't notice that the pot is boiling and dies. The state of California is a slightly warm pot of water and the politicians have begun to increase the temperature of the water. Am I the only frog that's seeing this and jumping out before it gets deadly? HELLO CALIFORNIA!!! They just outlawed the use of trans fat. This is dangerous and nobody seems to notice.

Why am I making such a big fuss over trans fat you may ask? I know trans fat is bad and personally I no longer eat at fast food restaurants because I'm looking to clean up my diet, but it is my freaking right to eat it if I want to. Do not tell me what I can and cannot eat. That is what is called SOCIALISM. If you don't agree with the use of trans fat, then don't eat at places that uses it. That is your right. If you are upset that fast food restaurants don't seem to care about the obesity problem in America, shut up and put down the fork. Stop blaming others for your lack of self control and willingness to do what is difficult.

Still don't think this is such a big deal? Okay, maybe the trans fat thing doesn't affect you personally and you may see this as helping with California's obesity problem. Just because it doesn't affect you doesn't mean that it won't. L.A. is trying to keep fast food restaurants from opening in what they have deemed a very obese area. They are claiming that this is to give room for sit down restaurants. This is BS because nothing was stopping them before and they obviously had no desire to set up shop to begin with.

Folks, this is just the first domino falling. If we don't stand up and say something about this, it is only a matter of time before the next right is taken away from us. There are already rights hanging in the balance here. Pasadena is trying to outlaw smoking in the entire city. L.A. is trying to outlaw the use of plastic bags in supermarkets. THIS IS SOCIALISM. It is my God given right to use plastic, eat trans fat, and smoke if I want. The pot is getting hotter people. Lets band together, get out of it, and force the politicians hands to turn the heat off completely. It's our voices that can be the strongest right now. Use them.

Avie Joe, The One Less Jumper
(Oh and if you can't read what is under Socialism in the McD pic, it says "it starts with no trans fat". Enjoy.)


Aaron Proctor said...

You seriously need to read "Liberal Fascism" by Jonah Goldberg.

Available at finer book stores that don't hide it behind Barack Obama's book.

- AP

Society of Lemmings said...

I've put it on my list and will aquire soon. Thanks Aaron!

LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder said...

And all of Gods children said...AMEN

BTW I favorited your blog on technorati, so any updates you make on your blog show up on the left hand side of mine

Thanks for the linky love hehe

Society of Lemmings said...

No Problem and Thanks right back at ya!