Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Yellow Brick Road of Socialism

So, we all know what happens to a frog in a boiling pot right? I mean other than it dies. If you put a frog in a boiling pot, what does it do? It jumps out because it's too damn hot and it knows it will die, but if you put a frog in a slightly warm pot and increase the heat gradually, what happens? The frog doesn't notice that the pot is boiling and dies. The state of California is a slightly warm pot of water and the politicians have begun to increase the temperature of the water. Am I the only frog that's seeing this and jumping out before it gets deadly? HELLO CALIFORNIA!!! They just outlawed the use of trans fat. This is dangerous and nobody seems to notice.

Why am I making such a big fuss over trans fat you may ask? I know trans fat is bad and personally I no longer eat at fast food restaurants because I'm looking to clean up my diet, but it is my freaking right to eat it if I want to. Do not tell me what I can and cannot eat. That is what is called SOCIALISM. If you don't agree with the use of trans fat, then don't eat at places that uses it. That is your right. If you are upset that fast food restaurants don't seem to care about the obesity problem in America, shut up and put down the fork. Stop blaming others for your lack of self control and willingness to do what is difficult.

Still don't think this is such a big deal? Okay, maybe the trans fat thing doesn't affect you personally and you may see this as helping with California's obesity problem. Just because it doesn't affect you doesn't mean that it won't. L.A. is trying to keep fast food restaurants from opening in what they have deemed a very obese area. They are claiming that this is to give room for sit down restaurants. This is BS because nothing was stopping them before and they obviously had no desire to set up shop to begin with.

Folks, this is just the first domino falling. If we don't stand up and say something about this, it is only a matter of time before the next right is taken away from us. There are already rights hanging in the balance here. Pasadena is trying to outlaw smoking in the entire city. L.A. is trying to outlaw the use of plastic bags in supermarkets. THIS IS SOCIALISM. It is my God given right to use plastic, eat trans fat, and smoke if I want. The pot is getting hotter people. Lets band together, get out of it, and force the politicians hands to turn the heat off completely. It's our voices that can be the strongest right now. Use them.

Avie Joe, The One Less Jumper
(Oh and if you can't read what is under Socialism in the McD pic, it says "it starts with no trans fat". Enjoy.)

Monday, July 28, 2008

Was it fair?


Absolutely this is fair. If this was McCain that neglected our troops, he would have been hanged by the left. This is exposing Obama for the camera loving goon that he is. He only cares if everyone else can see... what a fake. Why don't you get a move on and hit up that 58th state. I'm spent.

Avie Joe, The One Less Jumper

Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Almighty Word of... What the Hell did he just say?

You know folks, I try to get out there as much as I can to learn all that there is about our up coming presidential candidates, but sometimes things slip through the cracks. I'm pretty tied up with a child, full time school, and work, so as some of you may know things that are not old news to others may come as kind of an embarrassing and overwhelming shock when it finally settles into the skull's grey matter. In short, you find yourself way behind the times. These news clips that I have recently seen are leaving me scratching my head and I say to myself, "Are the people in our country really this stupid?" (Oh yes, I said stupid. In the chance that you might be offended by this, get the hell over it.)

Okay, where is Avie going with this? It's actually very simple. Are there that many brainwashed idiots out there that are really considering voting this ridiculous excuse for a politician into office? If you have guessed that I am talking about Obama, then you get a cookie for keeping up with me.
Let's start with this cute little bit.

That's what this country needs. A leader that can't operate without a teleprompter. This makes me feel really secure. I mean, what happens if Obama gets into office and another 9/11 happens or worse (Mark you that this WILL happen if he gets in office. Those damn terrorists are foaming at the mouth to get him elected.). What is he going to say? "Oh wait, hold on. I'll get my writers on that right away." Already shows he can't think on his feet or, even worse, have his own ideas and think for himself. It's like he has some invisible hand up his backside making him sing, oh I'm sorry, that's just Michelle. Personally I would rather have a president that can't pronounce nuclear than a president who's entire vocabulary is a space filler. An annoying one at that.

Oh this example not good enough huh? Well, let's check this little beauty out.

Among Obama's many talents of finding a million ways to say the word "uh" or "um", lying seems to be one that he is very talented at... Or not, I mean, the man can't even keep his damn stories strait. Yes... no, I mean, uh yes. Which one is it flip flop? I can see the smoke coming out of your ears Obama. Give the damn hamster a rest.

And now for the "What the hell did he say?" Portion of the blog. This one gets The Fried Lemming Award for the evening. Drum roll please!
Fried Lemming Award:

What? Now, it's been awhile since I was in 3rd grade, but when the hell did we get 8 more states?! Damn I must have really been stuck under a rock.

WAKE IT UP FOLKS!! This is the man that you are actually considering putting in power of your lives and the lives of your children! Don't you see how scary this is?


1) The vocabulary of "uh" and "um"
2) The flip flop story of yes or no
3)A man that is running to lead our country and he doesn't even know its geography

Also, this man has handled his anatomy at the urinal more than the issues he has had in the senate. Come on people, the short time he has served in the senate is not enough experience to put on a presidential resume.

With all this in mind, this leads us to our final section.

The quote of the day:

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt"
-Abraham Lincoln

Avie Joe, The One Less Jumper

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Black Holes and other Figurative Terms Turned Racist

Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This
black hole
Astronomy. a theoretical massive object, formed at the beginning of the universe or by the gravitational collapse of a star exploding as a supernova, whose gravitational field is so intense that no electromagnetic radiation can escape.
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1)Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.

Now that's been stated, ladies and gentlemen when did we become a country of pansies? Even worse, a nation of morons. When did the word "black hole" become a racist remark? If this seems as strange to you as it did to me and you are still not sure what I'm referring to, here is the subject at hand.

Now comes the question of what does our country turning into pansies have to do with a sorely misunderstood astronomy term? Well frankly, I had no idea that such a term could make a grown man become such a whiny child. Wake it up people. White people are white, black people are black, Indians are red, and Asians are yellow. Deal with the fact that skin has different colors of pigmentation and no matter what, we are identified by them. Grow some thicker skin please and start putting those energies elsewhere. By using the term black or white (or whatever color), the person is not saying "Hey you, get back to the cotton fields." or trying to send the Chinese back to the coal minds, rather honestly it is sometimes just an easier way to refer to someone. Our society has become so wrapped up in nonsense and nitpicking that it is making more and more people so very arrogant and touchy.

Case and point, this scenario where tax payer dollars are being wasted because someone takes offense for no reason and spends valuable time demanding for an apology instead of taking care of the actual important issue that they were there to discuss. Give me a break, an apology? Who in there right mind has ever used that phrase and thought of it referring to a black person or even a group of black people? Some black people automatically hear the word black and get offended. This shows a lot of self centered thinking and ignorance. If someone was walking around using that dreaded "N" word, then yes you have a right to be offended. Even I cringe when I've heard that word in a movie, but use of the word black does not mean it's a negative reference.

Let's now take white. Do you know any white people that say they prefer to be called Caucasian? There may be some out there, but I don't know anyone personally that would prefer that. Should white people start taking offense to terms that contain the word white in them? How about even items that have the word white. I'm sorry, but we can no longer refer to white bread as white because the color is offensive to whites. Yea, I thought that sounded pretty ridiculous too. Well, so does the idea of the phrase "black hole" turned into a racist remark. Folks what's wrong with this picture? We might as well start saying that we can no longer use the word cracker because it is offensive to whites. I hate to break it to the minorities out there that get offended so easily, but the fact that whites are still referred to as such is technically also racist by your terms and standards. Do they say anything? Is there good call or reason for whites to be screaming and throwing in the racist penalty flag? No, not really because most of them know there is no real reason to get offended. White trash, just as the "N" word, is offensive not the color white and referring to objects or figurative terms with white in them is not referring to skin color.

This constant running into the ground may be annoying for you, but it seems it needs to happen because so few get the point. I'm sick of people crying because there feelings were hurt. Grow up and get a set because if this keeps up we are going to keep going down this road paved with "PC" bricks, making us more and more wimpy and our enemies will be able to walk all over us. If words can hurt us I really would hate to see what sticks and stones would do.


The One Less Jumper, Avie Joe

P.S. If there is any confusion of the term "black hole" please click on this link provided, which gives the entire definition (figurative speech included). I thoroughly checked it and found no reference to skin color, so those offended by this blog will be safe to visit dictionary.com: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/black%20hole

The New Day

Ah, so you decided to stick around. Good for you. This means that you are ready to stop following the herd or you are a free thinker like myself. As I stated in my introduction, you are not going to like what I have to say. Some things you may agree with and others you may not. Some may hit a nerve hard on either side of the issue you may sit on. It may piss you off or rile you up to fight harder for what you believe, but that is the point. Some things that are going on today in the United States need to be brought out into the light and people need to start using their voices before that right is taken away along with everything else that we are slowly losing.

I don't care what race you are, what origins you come from, what political faction you belong to, if you're gay or strait, if you're a man or woman, and so on. Things are the way they are and you can accept that or you can try and walk on eggshells being "PC" (AKA: you obviously can't accept reality).

I'm tired of taking a back seat to the issues that are plaguing our country, so finally I'm going to use the right that so many of our boys fought and died for and let my voice be heard. Cheers to not jumping off that cliff.